Videos and Audios

Dive Into Time

Apr 30, 2022

Welcome to this audio guidance...

Almost every morning, I have been simply standing... facing the directions. Each practice is different, each experience is different. Yet, each time the directions ask me to spend time with them.

All the elements, all of the realms, all of the chakras, all of the directions exist all of the time.

Often times we are just too quick.  We have been trained through our culture to look for quick results, quick response, quick answers.  So quick we can miss what is here.

I invite you to dive into time itself.  I invite you to play, dance and explore what is here when you go in to time.

Another beautiful note from this audio... an homage to the North. The North, the mystery... with the North we get the doorway to creativity.

(After I recorded this, I realised that I forgot to mention that the South would carry the similar energy for those of our family who love in the Southern Hemisphere.)

May this recording reach you, and serve you in some...

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Importance of Rhythm in Healing

Apr 23, 2022

In a place of marker points, of form and structure, of shapes and straight lines... there is another rhythm, a pulse, a breath, a flow and a dance.

I welcome you to approach healing work through this rhythm.

Many times in healing we are inviting a whole other perspective to the binding constructs.  While an illness or challenge carries bindings, walls and barriers... we can introduce a breath that exists both within those constructs and also beyond the barriers.

This rhythm of life, of nature, of breath, and of ocean opens up realms of existence and expands the consciousness.

When we observe healing through the lens of natural rhythms, we can see where, when and how to assist in the transformation processes.  Shamanic healing is ultimately an act of universal compassion through the channels of the hollow bone with the guidance of the helping spirits connecting us to the Wholeness itself.

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Divination for Living Embodiment

Apr 11, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

We have a unique relationship with divination within shamanism.  The tools and abilities we have honed allow us to both receive information through the cognitive channels and to get 'hands-on' guidance on how to embody and breathe this information into our day to day lives.

Shamanism is a bridge, not just for messages and information but also for change, metamorphosis, growth, and healing.

Some people can get into a pattern of divining and divining - always getting more information and filling up the mental realm with thoughts.  And yet for many people, this practice doesn't necessarily result in embodied shifts.

In our courses, we push you to explore the ordinary reality shifts that are available to you through these non-ordinary communications.  Remember, shamanism helps you receive information AND it allows to dive into the transformations.

One suggestion you can begin with right away, is to work as much as you can with your...

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Equinox Meditation - Seeing from the Heart

Mar 24, 2022

Equinox is a time of half-half... a perfect balance. In a perfect balance, there is a pause where no movement happens.  It is fleeting, at yet the energetics are important... it is an entry point, a portal of sorts.

Pauses are needed in healing.  They are the moments of non-doing.  You could even say that they are moments of "non-healing".  Of pure acceptance for what is in that moment.

There is an alchemical fire that exists in the moment of pure seeing, of simply and fully honouring what is here in this balance without asking for anything to change.

Of course change happens, movement happens... energy shifts and healing happens in its many ways.  From that pause, next steps are taken.  We add pieces and we take them away.  This change is also in the flow of existence.

On this Equinox, may we remember and be blessed by the pure seeing from the heart.  The pause of balance and the love that is here when we rest for a moment in the presence of...

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Guided Meditation - You Have a Communication Vessel

Mar 05, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

Today's sharing is from the Earth Prayers meditations in which we access the movement of breath to open our channels of energy and communication.

The teaching here continues on a theme that our embodiment itself is a healing.

Everything has been given to us - from the Universe, from Mother Earth, from the Divine.  Gratitude, observation, inner exploration, listening and sharing too... are needed.

Slowing down, staying steady - like a drumbeat... we ride the journey-horse, over trails through the woods...

Let us meet at the Great Tree.

Sending many blessings out to all,

Kimba and the Shaman College Team

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Psychopomp Update/ Calling on Light/ Earth Gifts

Feb 27, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

This video sharing carries many messages and pieces from the last full moon psychopomp for the Earth.  It also continues the guidance and real time example and application of the power in Calling the Directions, and points to the importance of a deep embodiment of our practices.

(Click Here for the last Calling Directions Guidance Video.)

These are shifting times on the Earth...  these are times when so many people are experiencing a lift in consciousness and awakening.

No one said it would be easy, and if shamanic healing has taught us anything, it is that sometimes we have to go through cleansing, extractions, clearing binds, unwinding, compassionate wound healing, and really feeling and being present with what is here.

The beauty is that we have guidance, we have spirit helpers and teachers, angels and friends.  We just have to get quiet enough and clear enough to perceive this.

As always, please reach out to us if you need...

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Calling Directions Guidance

Feb 14, 2022

As I have had a number of messages lately regarding "Calling the Directions"... I felt it was time to share some insights and guidance for this beautiful and widely shared practice.

This practice is very effective at opening the channels of infinite connections.  One of the dearest connections that comes forth is the link between you as an individual light, and the YOU as one with the whole of Creation.

In this video, I also open up the importance of looking at shamanic healing as a healing for the whole web itself.  We are all connected, each one's transformation impacting all of us.

I am sending out my encouragement to you so that you may find your authentic calling in all directions... and I am sending out my blessings that you may discover the assistance that is all around you.

with gratitude,


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Practitioner Highlight - Natalie Falconer

Feb 03, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

What a treat I have for you here... I met with one of our graduate practitioners, Natalie Falconer on a video call to tour her healing space and her workshop.

This was very fun for me! I have come to know Natalie and her powerful shamanic healing work over the last couple of years.  To mention but a few gems...I have witnessed many intensive psychopomp healings for Mother Earth, adept work with her beautiful spirit helper team, and a rich understanding of the multiple levels of the Universe and the healing possibilities of navigating this place.  This level of work takes bravery and love.  And now, to be invited into Natalie's extra-ordinary space of practice and making... it is really special.

We can practice shamanic healing without our tools... however, when we work with our drums, rattles, eye curtains, healing sticks, feather wands, etc... they assist our connection, empowerment, and our delivery.

I cannot help but draw...

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Your are a Sacred Being - Earth Prayers

Jan 18, 2022

Dear Shaman College Community,

I welcome you to join me for the first Earth Prayers of 2022.  These are guided meditations that work with body and breath awareness to access the natural state of being and to radiate a healing vibration into the world.

I am grateful to you for your dedication to the beautiful and spiritual presence here on Earth.  "We contact together, the healing aspect of our make-up."  We are not alone... and when we align to see this, we dance with the web of existence to bring light on Earth.

In our White Shell membership we now have 76 Shamanic Yoga Kriyas, 49 Earth Prayers,  2 full workshops, and many more movement teachings.  If you feel it is time to work with your body and breath and really fine tune your instrument for this visionary work... you can try out the membership for a month for only £15.

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Walking this Path Together

Jan 13, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

I continue to journey and inquire about this new year and the messages to share with you.  We are all walking together at this time... infinite synchronous events have woven us together.

In this video, I touch on many topics in the study of shamanism, to include:

  •  timing of our self-practice during this transition period on Earth
  •  the importance of ‘listening’ to our spirit guidance and how this develops with practice
  •  invitations to new students for this new year

And perhaps the boldest guidance… to “Just Show Up”!  There is a power in your presence when you show up fully and completely in your truth.

Finally, I want to call out to those of you who are ready to begin with us this year!  We have spaces in our Shamanism for Self-Healing course that begins in a few days on January 15th.  This is our privately mentored course where you work individually with a mentor from Shaman...

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