Here we go into a New Year...
I felt so strongly to record a healing session on this New Moon just a couple of days before the New Year.
I usually record these shamanic healing sessions for individual clients - I tune into them as I sit in our jungle shala by the creek. When its an individual's session, we can get very specific to history, guidance, ancestry, personal messages, and all the beauty that comes within shamanic healing .
Yet this time, I set the intention for all who come... friends, colleagues, students and clients. If you choose to receive the session - you can listen to it, and the healing transmission comes through.
I recommend that you prepare your space, make yourself comfortable and listen.
Here are some notes following the session:
Hello Dear Shaman College Community,
Today, I share lessons received from my horse, Mindy. So many things happen when we let ourselves connect to the nonverbal world. We have to drop our usual ways of listening and speaking... it is a listening from the heart, and a speaking too from the heart. The animals especially teach this.
Mindy shared with me a message and I felt it like a resounding call... it was personal from her, it was a teaching for me, and it was a lesson that may also find you.
She says, "May my presence be a lightening, not a burden."
In this video I share much more about this teaching.
If you find this is also a message for you, you may discover an impact to how you are with friends, family and the Earth. If we take it as a life lesson... we may look at how our lives can lighten the way, lighten the load on the energy, the ether, the field of energetics that is surrounding all of us, all the time.
How can life be a lightening?
There are other...
From time to time, I wonder and get a desire to ask people, "What happens within you, when you get quiet, when you sit in silence and go into the sense of awareness?" What is there? What arises? What does it feel like?
I wonder if you find, what I find? I wonder if you are able to rest into this? Where are the challenges for you and where is it easy?
In this video share, I invite you into my own inquiry. I look within into what is happening, and then I let the curiosity guide me.
For me, I find the gifts of my teachers... their Grace. And the Divine Grace is there, it must be... as this is too great to exist in a vacuum.
I also share a message that comes through from my intuition and connection with the Cosmos... its an encouragement to open and lean into the unknown, the unseen. I can feel the support of all the ages there... I hope that you can too!
Today, I share with you some insights into how I work with clients’ body, mind and spirit in a way that aims to invite their Truth forward and to support their self-discovery.
I have found that the only way I can assist people is to be a witness, guide and helper to honor their True Self, and explore this light. When we do this, we work with the flow of life and Nature as opposed to imposing a false belief upon what is here. Changes happen more readily and easily.
As a ‘seer’, when I work with a client, often I can see a vision of them…like a view of their potential destiny. However, I also know that as beautiful as this vision may be, it cannot compare to that which manifests from their own realization.
While I hold this vision as a guidance, I do not grasp it as truth. I know the Source of all, has a much more magnificent expression, and that the individual is here to discover this.
Whether you are a practitioner or you are focused...
Further Videos:
Dear Shaman College Community,
I welcome you to take a walk with me, as I speak about what I think is one of the most important topics within shamanism.
There is a major hiccup that can occur with 'today's practitioners'... and often it is because we have been indoctrinated into a separatist -view of reality. I hear time and again people speaking about shamanic experience as if it is separate from them.
In this video I discuss how your fingerprint is on EVERYTHING - not just that which you generate and emanate, but also that which you receive. Does this mean that your divinations are not 'real'? Far from it. It means that this is an entangled Universe, that we are all connected, and you impact this web by your presence and your participation.
Dear Shaman College Community,
In today's morning contemplations I look at a very often shared statement, "I am a Shaman!"
Over the years I have heard this statement from so many people and my reactions have changed and grown as I have listened.
My primary message here is... YES! You are a healer, you are the Shaman you have been searching for. We are self-healing beings with untapped abilities. As a universal expansion on our collective consciousness, people are realising more and more that their power, strength, healing and love is built into who and what they are.
It does not mean that we do not help each other. We do assist each other. But someone else does not hold the keys to your healing. The best healers help you to find the healing within you.
So, if you have received this message of "I am a Shaman", follow it. What does it mean to you? Does it mean you need to go out into nature? Does it mean its time to listen to your heart?...
Dear Shaman College Community,
This video sharing today is all about the symphony of timing and rhythms in your life. My observation is that our minds, our thoughts and our information gathering is quick. We get it! We can process high levels of information very quickly. We can gather insights and new concepts easily from the internet through written and video formats. We can communicate with other people through email, texts, social media, etc. And it is very fast.
Yet, problems arise when we expect this speed in the growing, transforming, and developing aspects of our lives and the nature all around us. It is a mis-match. This can leave us disappointed with the natural cycles of life. This can leave us impatient with manifestation.
In shamanism, I see this timing mis-match with students, practitioners and clients. They can get something on a mental, conceptual level.... but the embodiment is not there yet.
As if more and...
Hello Dear Shaman College Community,
I know my emails have been a little quiet lately. I am here. But, I am in the jungle at times, diving in the waters, learning new languages of this land, and building a retreat center for like-hearted souls. My family is doing this together and it is an adventure - at times brilliant, at times mundane, at times really tough. Our fulfillment is in listening to the deep call and navigating the current.
I see you all doing the deep-work. But also having to interpret the times that we live in. My heart goes to you compassionately and through the song of empathy (which I believe needs understanding beyond the current norm). We are here together.
This video I share with you today summarizes what we are here to do as teachers, practitioners and mentors… we are here to help you come to Earth.
Some people think that studying shamanism means learning to...
What a world we live in. I know we - us spiritual folk drawn to nature - are being asked to stand ever more in the beauty of this place. As the world around us seems to fill with so much opinion and countering beliefs, I wonder what does the shaman see?
Today I discuss my observation that shamans and practitioners have always lived on the edges... the boundaries of what is accepted norm and what is the wilderness of the unknown.
I also look at how a student or client (including us practitioners) can miss the healing when they try to fit the medicine from the unknown spaces into the logical and binding contracts of cultural beliefs.
Finally, I share in the compassionate appreciation that its not always easy to live on the edge... but it simply is the way that it works when you venture out. Untold beauty is also there... of course, this is the wonder of this bountiful place.
I will never forget when a beautiful and skilled student and practitioner asked me,...
I welcome you to join me in my personal morning contemplation session.
May my musings serve you - whether you are a practitioner, a student or a client... I feel there is something here for you!
Some of the topics I explore:
What is it that happens in the presence of a shaman? What happens when they see you through the awareness of wholeness?
How do they access this wisdom? How do they "do" it?
How can different shamans speak different languages, use different healing tools, receive different information... and still the healing works?
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