Videos and Audios

When Doubts and Fear Arise

Apr 03, 2023

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

This week's audio/ video addresses how we may work with the aspect of the mind that questions, doubts, and holds you back.

You have likely come across this voice within your shamanic and spiritual work.

"Is that real?" 

"Am I making this up?" 

"Is this a true message?"

"Can I do that?"

These types of questions often arise early in one's shamanic studies.  And I do not feel that they are a 'bad' thing.  Quite the opposite, I find they are asking you to go further, explore more, and ask more.

Other pieces may arise within more advanced work but everyone can share in this looking because of its relevance to our ordinary world existence.  I am talking about fear.  When you can become conscious of this fear energy, you can feel when it arises within yourself, and you can hear when it is coming from outside of yourself.  From there, you can assess its truth or non-truth.  You get to choose whether or not you are...

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Safety is Honouring the Power in Your Practice

Feb 16, 2023

This video message comes from the site for a new healing space here in Belize.  It feels good to connect to you from this location... even though it hasn't been fully completed in this realm yet!

When patterns and themes come up through my communications with people at Shaman College, I know it is a message to share these pieces with you.

Today, I want to look at the foundations of safety and effectiveness in our practices.

I know that our work can be powerful and effective, while being safe.  I feel strongly that we can do this amazing healing work and be ethical and clear.  (This is a big topic - and today's sharing begins the discussion.)

I want you to know that safe shamanic practice honours your power and potential.  Safe shamanic practice also honours the power in the practice itself.  Without these two threads... one can wander into tricky situations.

Shamanism is not the easiest path, yet it is divinely beautiful.  We are not 'joking' around or...

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Multiple Realms Unfolding

Dec 07, 2022


For this video, I recommend that you join me as if we are sitting together.  It is a longer one and I felt so many of you gathered together.  It is as if many of us were together and the messages were coming through.

The explorations include: diving into our own unfolding, true self, erasing the linear timeline, multiple realms coexisting, grounding in the heartbeat/ heart resonance.

As always, sending blessings out to you,

Thank you for joining me,

With love,


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Wisdom Keepers in Your Bones

Sep 28, 2022

Hello dear Shaman College Community,

I am inspired to share with you some insights coming from our group and the process in our course, Your Spirit Allies

In this video I introduce the spirit allies that I lovingly refer to as our Ancient Soul Ancestors or the Wisdom Keepers.  These beings were two-legged's, they had a human heart, a crown to the heavens and light in their eyes,  They lived here and breathed here... and they bless our existence.

How can we connect to them if we cannot see them?  How can we receive them if we cannot hear them?

It is through our shared presence and our shared human experience that we can find them.  They are in our bones, our footsteps and in our reverence for Mother Earth.

I urge you to get less personal, and more global when you connect to these allies. They are not 'yours', they are here for all of us.  Instead of looking at one persona, you must tap into the power, potential and love that exists as a human medicine....

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Tuning the Dial of Consciousness

Aug 30, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College,

As I prepare for our upcoming course, Your Spirit Allies, I reflect upon the ability that we all have to "tune-in". As humans, light-beings, we have a powerful access to the vibrations and energetics of this Universe.

This ability is built into who and what we are.  You are always tuning into something, and often times many things at once.  Right now, as I write this, I am tuning into you... seeing you as an individual sovereign and unique being but I am also tuning into you as one of our Shaman College community members. This creates a lift in my energy... as I see our college, a group of heart-centred healers, shamanic practitioners, students, graduates, teachers and friends through the common ground of this earth and these stars, the drumbeat and the lineages through time.

It is important to recognise to what you are tuning your consciousness.  Why is this?  We impact the health of ourselves, of our world, and of the beings...

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Together - Spirit Allies

Aug 13, 2022

Hello dear Shaman College,

Our world is magical, filled with beauty, mystery and support.  The helping spirits are here assisting us each step of way.  How many helpers are there?  Infinite.

You become very close with some of these spirits through journeying, conversations, dances, song, dreams and healing sessions.  They become longtime friends and teachers... you could call them, 'special helpers for this lifetime'.

And other spirit helpers are here as well... breathing life, colour, inspiration, guidance, light, grounding and more for this moment.  These are the 'spirit allies'.  They may be consistent helpers or they may be here at this place, at this moment, for this exact need... like messengers lighting your way.

Can we open again, like we did at one time, to this mystery that lives right here in our extraordinary existence?  Can we right here, right now connect to the spirit allies?  Can we do this without travelling? ...

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"Distance" from Shamanism

Jul 07, 2022

I share this video with you to address something we have heard from previous students over the years, that they can feel at times separated or distanced from their practice. If you are feeling this, you are not alone.

Having faced these questions myself in my own healing and spiritual practices... I want to share some insights and some inspiration with you!

Distance itself, as well as time... has been taught into us.

And yet, the feeling of separation, is real and this can be looked at, felt, inquired, and explored.  There is something there for you, to help you.

You have all the skills to feel close again to the guiding spirits and to your true self.

If you are wanting additional assistance, I would like to offer all of our current students and graduates a private meeting with me at a discounted price, £20.  Here is the link:

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Mentor - Apprentice Heritage

Jun 01, 2022

I have been reflecting upon this beautiful mentor-apprentice relationship that develops through our programmes at Shaman College.  It calls me back through my life but also beyond that to lifetimes of mentors and apprentices through the ages.

A mentor assists their apprentice in drawing forth their light, their skills, their capacity and the surprises and beauty that no one could have predicted. An apprentice shows up for this.  Together, there is a meeting place.

At Shaman College, our goal is to honour this tradition through our online mentored trainings.  And, while I know we are always learning, adapting and growing, I believe that we have found a way to do this even through online communication.  Wow... what a surprise in itself.

Steve Serr had this vision and began successfully training many students, practitioners and teachers this way.  Our teachers at Shaman College have all been through this process and continue our tradition.

When we think of...

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The Tide of Giving and Receiving

May 13, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

One of the qualities that so many of us share is the natural state of wanting to assist others.  It as if we know deep in our bones that we are here to serve and to help, we know that we are here to heal and to sooth.

In this audio, I speak about the tidal flow of giving and receiving.  I invite you to look at this breath rhythm as a teaching from Mother Ocean, and to discover for yourself how you are navigating within the balance of giving and receiving.

When you can explore giving and receiving and its nuances, you are invited into the natural flow of healing itself.

Thank you for your presence and your heart,

many blessings to all,


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Dive Into Time

Apr 30, 2022

Welcome to this audio guidance...

Almost every morning, I have been simply standing... facing the directions. Each practice is different, each experience is different. Yet, each time the directions ask me to spend time with them.

All the elements, all of the realms, all of the chakras, all of the directions exist all of the time.

Often times we are just too quick.  We have been trained through our culture to look for quick results, quick response, quick answers.  So quick we can miss what is here.

I invite you to dive into time itself.  I invite you to play, dance and explore what is here when you go in to time.

Another beautiful note from this audio... an homage to the North. The North, the mystery... with the North we get the doorway to creativity.

(After I recorded this, I realised that I forgot to mention that the South would carry the similar energy for those of our family who love in the Southern Hemisphere.)

May this recording reach you, and serve you in some...

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