Videos and Audios

Light and Shadows

Mar 16, 2024

This video is part 2 in our 6-part video series, The Ground We Stand On If you would like to watch part 1, Shamanism and the Spiritual Warrior, click here.

Shamanism works with the light and acknowledges the shadows.  You are the light of your soul.  Yet, darkness or shadow can arise bringing its challenges and trickery.  As you know, shadows often appear bigger than they are... and when they are "your" shadows, close and intimate, they can appear enormous.  As you gain experience and skill, you are able to discern their illusions and not so easily be thrown off course.

As you develop your discernment and navigation abilities, you also get acquainted with your light.  Many times people are actually shying away from their own light.  Light itself is strong, pure, and beautiful... and when you get more accustomed to being with your own light, you strengthen.

With experience and assistance, you become skilled at navigating many planes of existance...

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Animal Spirit Guides/ Power Animals

May 23, 2023

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

I have been wanting to record a series of audios and videos about the various techniques and modalities that are often found in shamanic healing across the planet.   Most of these are shared amongst many peoples.

I feel that one of the main teachings that you will find here... is that shamanic healing is not just a collection of techniques.

You cannot just 'order -up' a Spirit Animal retrieval or a Soul retrieval and call that shamanism.  Just as you cannot light some sage, bang a drum and call it shamanism.

These can be found in many shamanic healing sessions, and yet they are simply tools and techniques for something that is much further reaching.  Something that can withstand all time and space... across cultures, languages, and beliefs.

I believe that we here at Shaman College hold a reverence and a steady inquiry into the hollow bone that is shamanic healing...

And I welcome you to join me here.  This first...

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Call to the Mother

Mar 16, 2023

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

I hope this finds you well... exploring, divining, receiving and enjoying this beautiful home.

I know this full dive-in comes with its trials, comes with its requests... yet when you are drawn to growth, unfoldment, beauty and light, it is all a part of the journey.

I walk this Earth everyday, this farm, this sacred soil inviting what wants to come forth for you, for your shamanic path.  How can I serve you?  How can I support you?  How can we at Shaman College be of assistance?

Sometimes I offer advice and help with the shamanic perspective.  And other times I invite you to join me in an inquiry, an inner and outer exploration and experience.

This recording is of the invitation type...  let's go... let's go here together into the call that lives within us, the call to the Mother.

May this recording find you at just the right time,

with gratitude,


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Tuning the Dial of Consciousness

Aug 30, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College,

As I prepare for our upcoming course, Your Spirit Allies, I reflect upon the ability that we all have to "tune-in". As humans, light-beings, we have a powerful access to the vibrations and energetics of this Universe.

This ability is built into who and what we are.  You are always tuning into something, and often times many things at once.  Right now, as I write this, I am tuning into you... seeing you as an individual sovereign and unique being but I am also tuning into you as one of our Shaman College community members. This creates a lift in my energy... as I see our college, a group of heart-centred healers, shamanic practitioners, students, graduates, teachers and friends through the common ground of this earth and these stars, the drumbeat and the lineages through time.

It is important to recognise to what you are tuning your consciousness.  Why is this?  We impact the health of ourselves, of our world, and of the beings...

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Soul Places

Aug 26, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College,

In my practice, I often work with essential oils as well as the cleansing and guiding smoke from the plants and trees.  This sharing comes from my time with the Pink Peppercorn oil and its connection to a very specific Pink Peppercorn Tree on the foothills of a pink mountain in Southern Spain.

As I sat here with the oil, I sat there in Spain... and the tree revealed to me a very sacred aspect of the soul.  Our souls can reach through time and space.  Our souls can sit in many safe and sacred places.  This does not mean that they are 'separated' from the whole.  This does not mean that the soul is fragmented.  Just as your toe is not fragmented from your ear.  They are connected and one with the body, with the whole.  When an aspect of your soul sits in a peaceful spot across the Earth, it is not in any way separated from your breathing location.

The problems arise when a soul piece is resting in a place of trauma,...

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Hollow Bone and the Human

Aug 18, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College,

This is a topic that has arisen multiple times over the last couple of weeks... always a sign to me that it wants to be shared with our whole community.

There is a special ability that highly skilled shamanic healers share.  It is the grounded recognition and nuances of the personal experience all the while being able to offer healing and divinations from the hollow-bone state.

As the hollow bone, you move through the realms with clarity.  You are the witness, you are the carrier, you are the messenger and you also have a responsibility of safe practice for yourself and all beings. You move with the purity of light but also the sword of truth... and you are guided and working as a team with the benevolent and compassionate spirits.

As the hollow bone you will also see your human self... and as your human self, you will have all of the traits that we emotive humans have!  We feel, we remember, we laugh, we cry, we hide, we shine.


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The Tide of Giving and Receiving

May 13, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

One of the qualities that so many of us share is the natural state of wanting to assist others.  It as if we know deep in our bones that we are here to serve and to help, we know that we are here to heal and to sooth.

In this audio, I speak about the tidal flow of giving and receiving.  I invite you to look at this breath rhythm as a teaching from Mother Ocean, and to discover for yourself how you are navigating within the balance of giving and receiving.

When you can explore giving and receiving and its nuances, you are invited into the natural flow of healing itself.

Thank you for your presence and your heart,

many blessings to all,


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Seeking, Intentions and Agendas in Healing

May 06, 2022

When we work with spiritual/physical/emotional healing for ourselves and for others, we are always in a state of inquiry.... in a state of discovery.

You never own healing, you never fully grasp it, you do not control it... yet you can rest into the hollow bone state and facilitate the connections that reveal the healing state within all beings.

In this birdsong morning contemplation, I share with you a look into what it can mean to be a "seeker" and how this is linked to intentions or agendas in shamanic healing.

There are multiple perspectives on what it means to be a seeker.  I look into this as an inquiry and welcome you to look at your own relationship with the 'seeker'.

We also look at the energetics of intention in healing and its important difference to an agenda- led approach.

I hope this audio serves you and those around you,

Many Blessings to all,


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Importance of Rhythm in Healing

Apr 23, 2022

In a place of marker points, of form and structure, of shapes and straight lines... there is another rhythm, a pulse, a breath, a flow and a dance.

I welcome you to approach healing work through this rhythm.

Many times in healing we are inviting a whole other perspective to the binding constructs.  While an illness or challenge carries bindings, walls and barriers... we can introduce a breath that exists both within those constructs and also beyond the barriers.

This rhythm of life, of nature, of breath, and of ocean opens up realms of existence and expands the consciousness.

When we observe healing through the lens of natural rhythms, we can see where, when and how to assist in the transformation processes.  Shamanic healing is ultimately an act of universal compassion through the channels of the hollow bone with the guidance of the helping spirits connecting us to the Wholeness itself.

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Seers and Dreamers Needed!

Dec 13, 2021

Hello dear Shaman College Community,

Here is another teaching that comes from the mentorship... inspired by the students at Shaman College and their beautiful work.

Not everyone will 'get' this!  But that is OK... I know I am not speaking to everyone but to you who are here on this shamanic path in some way.  And I trust that the knowing in our bones will someday be widely understood and shared among our Descendants as this world is dreamed into a beautiful frequency of love and balance with Nature.

In shamanic healing, we are known as "seers"... we see healing into existence.  It is through the seeing and the dreaming that this physical expression of health and vibrancy is manifested and retuned.... yes, also returned!

Because of the potency and power of seeing, we must be aware of what we are reading in this world.  Are you reading what you see?  Or are you reading what you are being told?  We must be aware of what we are 'buying into', and how we are...

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