Videos and Audios

Psychopomp Update/ Calling on Light/ Earth Gifts

Feb 27, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

This video sharing carries many messages and pieces from the last full moon psychopomp for the Earth.  It also continues the guidance and real time example and application of the power in Calling the Directions, and points to the importance of a deep embodiment of our practices.

(Click Here for the last Calling Directions Guidance Video.)

These are shifting times on the Earth...  these are times when so many people are experiencing a lift in consciousness and awakening.

No one said it would be easy, and if shamanic healing has taught us anything, it is that sometimes we have to go through cleansing, extractions, clearing binds, unwinding, compassionate wound healing, and really feeling and being present with what is here.

The beauty is that we have guidance, we have spirit helpers and teachers, angels and friends.  We just have to get quiet enough and clear enough to perceive this.

As always, please reach out to us if you need...

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Calling Directions Guidance

Feb 14, 2022

As I have had a number of messages lately regarding "Calling the Directions"... I felt it was time to share some insights and guidance for this beautiful and widely shared practice.

This practice is very effective at opening the channels of infinite connections.  One of the dearest connections that comes forth is the link between you as an individual light, and the YOU as one with the whole of Creation.

In this video, I also open up the importance of looking at shamanic healing as a healing for the whole web itself.  We are all connected, each one's transformation impacting all of us.

I am sending out my encouragement to you so that you may find your authentic calling in all directions... and I am sending out my blessings that you may discover the assistance that is all around you.

with gratitude,


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Practitioner Highlight - Natalie Falconer

Feb 03, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

What a treat I have for you here... I met with one of our graduate practitioners, Natalie Falconer on a video call to tour her healing space and her workshop.

This was very fun for me! I have come to know Natalie and her powerful shamanic healing work over the last couple of years.  To mention but a few gems...I have witnessed many intensive psychopomp healings for Mother Earth, adept work with her beautiful spirit helper team, and a rich understanding of the multiple levels of the Universe and the healing possibilities of navigating this place.  This level of work takes bravery and love.  And now, to be invited into Natalie's extra-ordinary space of practice and making... it is really special.

We can practice shamanic healing without our tools... however, when we work with our drums, rattles, eye curtains, healing sticks, feather wands, etc... they assist our connection, empowerment, and our delivery.

I cannot help but draw...

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Your are a Sacred Being - Earth Prayers

Jan 18, 2022

Dear Shaman College Community,

I welcome you to join me for the first Earth Prayers of 2022.  These are guided meditations that work with body and breath awareness to access the natural state of being and to radiate a healing vibration into the world.

I am grateful to you for your dedication to the beautiful and spiritual presence here on Earth.  "We contact together, the healing aspect of our make-up."  We are not alone... and when we align to see this, we dance with the web of existence to bring light on Earth.

In our White Shell membership we now have 76 Shamanic Yoga Kriyas, 49 Earth Prayers,  2 full workshops, and many more movement teachings.  If you feel it is time to work with your body and breath and really fine tune your instrument for this visionary work... you can try out the membership for a month for only £15.

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Walking this Path Together

Jan 13, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

I continue to journey and inquire about this new year and the messages to share with you.  We are all walking together at this time... infinite synchronous events have woven us together.

In this video, I touch on many topics in the study of shamanism, to include:

  •  timing of our self-practice during this transition period on Earth
  •  the importance of ‘listening’ to our spirit guidance and how this develops with practice
  •  invitations to new students for this new year

And perhaps the boldest guidance… to “Just Show Up”!  There is a power in your presence when you show up fully and completely in your truth.

Finally, I want to call out to those of you who are ready to begin with us this year!  We have spaces in our Shamanism for Self-Healing course that begins in a few days on January 15th.  This is our privately mentored course where you work individually with a mentor from Shaman...

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New Year's Blessings - "Bring in the Light"

Jan 08, 2022

Hello and Happy New Year to all of you,

I have been reflecting, asking and listening to what guidance is here for us at this time.  What can I share with you?  What is the message for this New Year?

It comes simply, it comes repeatedly, it comes clearly... "Bring in the Light".

When you become that vessel of light and receive the light....out pours action from your heart.

When you are stumped, confused, pushed, and questioned... take a pause, bring in the light and let action flow from your heart.

Sending out many blessings and prayers of light to you all.

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The Medicine You Carry

Dec 20, 2021

Hello dear Shaman College Community,

I hope you enjoy this video sharing.  And just maybe it can assist you through the holiday season and beyond?

Each one carries 'medicine' for this world. It is an energetic imprint, it is a spiritual light, and a presence that only you transmit.

Unlike the 'baggage' that gets carried as weighted challenges or traumatic scars... this medicine that you carry actually un-weights you.  It lifts you and it lightens the load on the wholeness of existence.

These energetic imprints and vibrations come through ancestral channels, physical places, your DNA, spiritual guides, plants, animals and more.

I ask you to sense-in and consider what many gifts you carry. I ask you to look at yourself through this lens that 'feels' the presence of these gifts.  You are the living, moving representation of these gifts. It is through you, that we get to meet this.


with gratitude,


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Seers and Dreamers Needed!

Dec 13, 2021

Hello dear Shaman College Community,

Here is another teaching that comes from the mentorship... inspired by the students at Shaman College and their beautiful work.

Not everyone will 'get' this!  But that is OK... I know I am not speaking to everyone but to you who are here on this shamanic path in some way.  And I trust that the knowing in our bones will someday be widely understood and shared among our Descendants as this world is dreamed into a beautiful frequency of love and balance with Nature.

In shamanic healing, we are known as "seers"... we see healing into existence.  It is through the seeing and the dreaming that this physical expression of health and vibrancy is manifested and retuned.... yes, also returned!

Because of the potency and power of seeing, we must be aware of what we are reading in this world.  Are you reading what you see?  Or are you reading what you are being told?  We must be aware of what we are 'buying into', and how we are...

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Safe and Effective Shamanic Practice

Dec 03, 2021

Hello dear Shaman College Community,

When students and practitioners send their questions and insights to me, I am often inspired to share these pieces to our larger community. Through each session I do with a client and in each mentoring meeting that happens... the spirits and teachers are endlessly offering assistance and guidance.

In this recent exchange, I was asked to share my own practice with self-cleansing and preparations for healing sessions. What a great request!

As with everything within shamanic healing... each situation is unique and requires a unique methodology. Nothing is exactly the same.  There is no "one way".  And yet, there is a thread of consistency.  There is an undercurrent that allows both safety and effectiveness.

How can a shaman serve if they are not healthy enough to serve?  And why even do this form of work, if it is not effective? 

As it turns out... the practices that allow us and our clients to be healthy and safe also allow...

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Merge Into Your Light

Nov 13, 2021

In this week's Earth Prayers guided meditation, we look at the power of imagery in our physical health and abilities.  We explore the dance of life - an improvisational / interactive communication with the air and the earth. 

The spirits ask us to merge with the light that we are.  To really go into this as an embodied experience.... not just an idea or a concept but a breathing reality.

And then we dream. 

We dream this place forth. If we can see it, and we can feel it... than we can bring it forth. How does this happen?

Manifestation comes through interaction.

It is a meeting place.

In each meeting you have the opportunity to welcome forth the dream into this experienced realm. 

When dreams are shared in this way, we all get to drink from the fresh waters.

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