Videos and Audios

Earth Prayers - This One is For You

Aug 04, 2020

Every week for over a year, I have led a new Earth Prayers meditation and shared it live through FaceBook, YouTube and lately through our Podcast channel.

These have been beautiful to offer.  However, sometimes, I wonder... 'oh should I go live today?'  or ' is this really received and needed?!'  But nonetheless, I show up... and offer these out to anyone who is there to join and receive.

This has been an amazing process of dedication and offering.  I never know exactly what is going to come out... but spirit always moves through and guides us.  Any doubt is relieved and the heart is expanded with you.

I am deeply grateful to all of you who have joined in at anytime in these meditations and blessings.  Thank you so very much.

At this point, I am moving the regular Earth Prayers over to Zoom on our new membership site.  This way, we can also see each other and share and experience community even more.  The membership also includes weekly White...

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Invite Life

Jul 28, 2020

The treatment mindset that exists widely in our cultures today involves fixing, solving and curing. And in this approach has often forgotten the life-force itself.   As if the power and strength in healing is determined by the 'great' minds to solve.

In shamanism we invite life in all of its cycles to reveal itself.  We invite assistance and spiritual guidance to come and help with the surfacing of this power and potential that exists in life at its very essence.

As contemporary shamans and practitioners, we must be aware of the paradigms of our 'treatment' world. We must remember the power in the posture of invitation. Many times clients will come to you wanting treatment, wanting to be healed and fixed.  And you may be able to help them... yet, not in the way that ignores the power in their own life force.

Let us  remember to "Invite Life".

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Resistance and Assistance

Jul 14, 2020

This is a blog for those who are practicing shamanism for self-healing or for healing others.

At some point along the path, resistances are likely to arise.  Initiatory practices and journeys are the most obvious times, yet... any level, any circumstance, and anytime you may feel something that asks you to pause or provides a friction to your forward steps.

These may even become common within your work as you push beyond the boundaries and limitations of your mind and your ego.  You are likely being asked to drop more into your heart and surrender to the shamanism moving through you.

Here at Shaman College, as we mentor you, we will never ask you to do something that is beyond your ability, nor will we force you into any practice and never do we push you into those that may bring harm.  The challenges you feel are real... yet the safety that we practice here is also real.

Along with resistance, comes assistance. Honour what is happening and travel to your guides and...

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Together - Divine Harmonics

Jul 07, 2020

This sharing is about relationship and harmonics.  It is about tuning in to the divine geometrics, vibrations, energetics and information that we know at a cellular level but that we can become blinded to by our cultural and collective consciousness.

This blog is about tuning ourselves with the assistance of the spirits, nature, and allies around us... to the frequencies from which the 'new' world can be seen and manifested.

Shamanic practice and the shamanic healers through all time of many different names, have been able to tune in to these frequencies, bridging the worlds.

Now, you are here... you are the bridge.  And you have spirit assistance.  We have each other as well.  Together, harmonics are created... you may think about how it takes the shaman, the client, the timing, the spirits and more to bring healing.  This allows our work to move beyond imagination.

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Your Body is a Channel

Jun 15, 2020

Your body is nature, made of the Earth, and connected through the light of the Universe.  We can come to know our forms as sacred again and access powers and potentials that have been buried through time.

In this blog we explore some basic and fundamental anatomy of the pelvis and its relationship to our alignment and breath.  While it is a beginning point in anatomical and movement exploration, it is also very powerful and easily accessible to most people!

When we can heal and come back to our forms as nature, as vessels of energy and healing, and as channels for shamanic work... we bridge the realms of formless to form even more directly.


LINKS that were mentioned:

Your Body is Nature Shaman College Blog- click here

Aston Kinetics/Judith Aston - click here

Franklin Method/ Eric Franklin - click here

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BE with the Nature You Are

Jun 10, 2020

There is a ramping up all around us, of frequencies, forms, and energetics that do not align with us.  I am sure you can feel it.

This is not new, but it is louder.  And whenever the collective and the numbers of people tune in to this dis-harmonic frequency, it gets amplified.

So, as shamanic practitioners and people drawn to Earth-based spirituality and healing, we have a big role here.  Again, we always have had an important role here... it is just that it is our time, the era we live in is calling for us.

How can we help? How can we be of service?  First, we have to take care of our own energy. If we get caught up and taken under by this tide... we cannot be the change we know is possible.

This blog, is a reminder to keep up and do those simple put powerful foundation practices... cleansings, callings, and opening our hearts in nature.  These are here for our grounding and our soaring!  These basic practices allow us to be -  balancing and...

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Generational Healing- A Personal Story

Jun 03, 2020

Sometimes the heart is cracked open, and while it hurts it also shows us what is there to be seen, to be healed, and to grow.  We are sensitive beings.... it is a part of our expression here.  

Everyone is needed in their wholeness.  And everyone can be the healing that is needed in this world. Many of us carry generational wounds, illness, scars, and blindness.

As living beings here today, seeing through the veil of separation to the Oneness, we can be a part of the global healing that is needed.  Our personal transformation is not only personal.  At some point along your journey- this realisation is seen.  And then, all healing whether it be 'self' healing or healing for 'others'... is actually healing for all.

Thank you for letting me share my own personal story here.  And I hope that it serves you in some way.  My message is to keep going!  To keep your shamanism alive.

With love to all beings,

and peace and safety to all,


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Listening as Healing- Earth Prayers

May 19, 2020

This week's blog is from our live Earth Prayers gathering that happens every Monday at 10am on the Shaman College Facebook page.

Earth Prayers are seated and guided meditations where we allow our breath, awareness, body and presence to radiate blessings and healing out to Mother Earth and all beings. As a collective, our focus creates a much larger frequency.

Each Earth Prayer guided meditation is unique.

This week, we open up into 'listening' as healing itself.  When we deepen into our ability to listen, our presence is palpable... and this 'simple' act of listening becomes a profound gift that perhaps is the foundation of all healing and connection.

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Your Body is Nature

May 11, 2020

In shamanism we are working with healing... we are working with health and life in all of its cycles. And, yet much too often the human body itself is not recognised as nature with all of its wisdom. Your body carries a wisdom of all time and is intimately connected to all of creation.  In this blog, we begin to explore this and offer suggestions for you- to begin to go to your body like you go to nature.


Video Transcription:

Hello, my name is Kimba, and welcome to this week's blog at Shaman College. We're going to go into a territory that I have observed is greatly unexplored in the world of shamanism. Not that it's not been explored it all, and but it's like, you know, if we were out on a hike, and we were on the main trail. Sometimes there's other trails that come off the main trail. And sometimes you see these little paths that very few have traveled. Or if so, it's been a long time. They're kind of overgrown with grass and overgrown with plants, and some trees have...

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Midpoint, Suspension and Darkness

May 05, 2020

In shamanism we work with cycles of life. The various aspects of the cycles come offering their own wisdom.  

In this video, Kimba explores with you the sacred midpoints of cycles as we are all within the midpoint of a moving season (spring or autumn).

Midpoints within cycles bring a divine pause, which can also feel and be sensed as 'nothing'.  They can be associated with darkness or blinding brightness - both are times when sight is less clear.

Here in this video, Kimba leads us all into a darkness meditation. The darkness is a realm that becomes familiar within shamanism and carries its own wisdom, beauty, grace, rest and even comfort.

While many people perceive the darkness as 'bad' or something to avoid and run from.  When we can go in ... and sit, and breathe and sense with the other senses, we can begin to receive the blessings of this phase of the cycle.

You may feel like remembering that this meditation is here... especially for those times when you...

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