Videos and Audios

Listening as Healing- Earth Prayers

May 19, 2020

This week's blog is from our live Earth Prayers gathering that happens every Monday at 10am on the Shaman College Facebook page.

Earth Prayers are seated and guided meditations where we allow our breath, awareness, body and presence to radiate blessings and healing out to Mother Earth and all beings. As a collective, our focus creates a much larger frequency.

Each Earth Prayer guided meditation is unique.

This week, we open up into 'listening' as healing itself.  When we deepen into our ability to listen, our presence is palpable... and this 'simple' act of listening becomes a profound gift that perhaps is the foundation of all healing and connection.

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Your Body is Nature

May 11, 2020

In shamanism we are working with healing... we are working with health and life in all of its cycles. And, yet much too often the human body itself is not recognised as nature with all of its wisdom. Your body carries a wisdom of all time and is intimately connected to all of creation.  In this blog, we begin to explore this and offer suggestions for you- to begin to go to your body like you go to nature.


Video Transcription:

Hello, my name is Kimba, and welcome to this week's blog at Shaman College. We're going to go into a territory that I have observed is greatly unexplored in the world of shamanism. Not that it's not been explored it all, and but it's like, you know, if we were out on a hike, and we were on the main trail. Sometimes there's other trails that come off the main trail. And sometimes you see these little paths that very few have traveled. Or if so, it's been a long time. They're kind of overgrown with grass and overgrown with plants, and some trees have...

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Midpoint, Suspension and Darkness

May 05, 2020

In shamanism we work with cycles of life. The various aspects of the cycles come offering their own wisdom.  

In this video, Kimba explores with you the sacred midpoints of cycles as we are all within the midpoint of a moving season (spring or autumn).

Midpoints within cycles bring a divine pause, which can also feel and be sensed as 'nothing'.  They can be associated with darkness or blinding brightness - both are times when sight is less clear.

Here in this video, Kimba leads us all into a darkness meditation. The darkness is a realm that becomes familiar within shamanism and carries its own wisdom, beauty, grace, rest and even comfort.

While many people perceive the darkness as 'bad' or something to avoid and run from.  When we can go in ... and sit, and breathe and sense with the other senses, we can begin to receive the blessings of this phase of the cycle.

You may feel like remembering that this meditation is here... especially for those times when you...

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Pathways and Portals

Apr 27, 2020

Our pathways and portals are aspects of our journeying process.  These can be overlooked places... especially if people are over keen to jump into the other realms.  However, a powerful journey process rests upon these pathways and state changes that occur each time one wants to travel.

One of the skills we emphasise here at Shaman College, is a journey practice that begins with a clear intention while at the same time coming as empty as possible of ego and agenda.

The pathways and portals serve as emptying processes and become energetic requirements... each time serving as a sort of dismemberment/ rememberment process.


Video Transcription: 

With this video, I'd like to talk about our pathways and our portals, and I can't emphasize their importance enough.

You know, when we when we think of journeying and when we practice our journeying, whether it be for our own self healing or if it's because we are going to find out and work with healing energy for...

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A Living Practice

Apr 20, 2020

Shamanism is alive today... and in each moment revealing itself to us. This week, Kimba shares an insight into this living practice we call shamanism and how it can be both ancient and also living... like an ancient tree with roots in the Earth but with fresh blossoms each Spring and new life receiving the wisdom for its own time.

Hello, this is Kimba. Welcome to our shaman college blog. And today I actually wanted to share with you something that I say a lot. And I seem to write it many times in email responses and mentoring of students here at Shaman College. And also when I speak about shamanism.

What it is, is that shamanism is a living practice. It's alive. Okay, so if you think about this a little bit...  if we set out to learn something, to study something, we are setting out to study, to practice, something that is always revealing itself. Always evolving, cycling, growing.

And so when you set out and when you give to this, you're not going in the way that you when...

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Shamanism Flowing Through Artwork

Apr 14, 2020

This week's blog is a sharing from a teacher at Shaman College, Heidi Kummli.  She guides us through creating a 'Tiny Blessing Bag'.

Heidi's shamanism flows through her as a creative process- through her artwork and beadwork.  In order for this energy to manifest in this way... her life is steeped in practice and deep in reverence.

You may have seen the beadwork photography in our website?  These pieces have moved from spirit through Heidi's hands.

Heidi has contributed many units in both our introductory courses and especially in our advanced course in self-healing called Living the Sacred Path where she guides students through her beautiful ways in detailed workshops in shamanic artwork and an in-depth exploration of the Medicine Wheel among other gifts of wisdom.

Please enjoy this inspiring video at Heidi's YouTube channel.


You can also find Heidi's work in Etsy.

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Remembering- Spirit and Form

Apr 07, 2020

In this blog and sharing, we hear from Catherine Center, one of our teachers and practitioners at Shaman College as she shares with Kimba of her recent work and beautiful realisations.  Catherine's shamanic work has been deep in embodiment of the connections of spirit to form and the expression of the creative energy of the Whole moving through us, as us, and through the whole Universe.  She shares that this is a deep part of our re-membering and the healing of our bodies and our lives.



Hello, everyone. I'm here with sitting with Catherine and we're sharing and especially Catherine is sharing with me the what she's been working on, what has been a part of her own shamanic practice.

And when ever we get an opportunity, to really hear from each other and receive from each other what we're doing, how the shamanism is moving through us, we all get an opportunity to receive a healing, even if it didn't come directly to us.

And that is one of the reasons why I so...

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Interview Series: Angel Spirits and Nature

Mar 30, 2020

Please enjoy this meeting and discussion between two of our teachers at Shaman College, Kimba and Raffaele!

Topics include:

How Shamanism is a path of direct revelation.

How the angels have been here through time.

How you can invite them and connect with them through Nature.

Their path of light and love is open to us all.

How Shamanic Practitioners can work with them in their journey practices.

And we welcome you to share in our deep love and gratitude for shamanism, healing, nature and life.

If you would like to get in touch with Raffaele to ask any questions or if you would like to inquire about the healing sessions that he offers, please send an email to him at [email protected]

Thank you!

For details on our upcoming course, Your Spirit Allies, please click here.


Video Transcription:


Hello my name is Kimba, and I'm here meeting today with Raffaele. He is one of our teachers at Shaman College. And so I'm very fortunate to say that Raffaele is one of my...

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A Time For Inner Growth

Mar 30, 2020

This is a message and recording from our Shaman College, live Facebook broadcast.

A call out to allow these current times to be an opportunity for inner growth.

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Spirit Allies In Practice

Mar 23, 2020

It is such a gift, when we get the opportunity to hear from shamanic practitioners who can share their depth of life experience and fresh observations of this profound work that we are all called to. Shamanism moves through each one uniquely... so there are always gems when we get to spend time with each other.

In this video, we welcome you to an inspiring conversation between Barbara,  who is on our teaching staff at Shaman College and Evelyn, who is currently in the certified practitioner training.

In this heart-filled interview we are given multiple insights about shamanic practice, healing, spirit helpers, timing, and more as they discuss our 7-week course, Your Spirit Allies.

Please note that registration is open for our April 1, 2020 course.


Video Transcription:

Hello and welcome to our shaman college blog. My name is Kimba, and today I actually step aside as I am introducing you to a conversation, an exchange between two beautiful practitioners. We...

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