Videos and Audios

Remembering- Spirit and Form

Apr 07, 2020

In this blog and sharing, we hear from Catherine Center, one of our teachers and practitioners at Shaman College as she shares with Kimba of her recent work and beautiful realisations.  Catherine's shamanic work has been deep in embodiment of the connections of spirit to form and the expression of the creative energy of the Whole moving through us, as us, and through the whole Universe.  She shares that this is a deep part of our re-membering and the healing of our bodies and our lives.



Hello, everyone. I'm here with sitting with Catherine and we're sharing and especially Catherine is sharing with me the what she's been working on, what has been a part of her own shamanic practice.

And when ever we get an opportunity, to really hear from each other and receive from each other what we're doing, how the shamanism is moving through us, we all get an opportunity to receive a healing, even if it didn't come directly to us.

And that is one of the reasons why I so...

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Interview Series: Angel Spirits and Nature

Mar 30, 2020

Please enjoy this meeting and discussion between two of our teachers at Shaman College, Kimba and Raffaele!

Topics include:

How Shamanism is a path of direct revelation.

How the angels have been here through time.

How you can invite them and connect with them through Nature.

Their path of light and love is open to us all.

How Shamanic Practitioners can work with them in their journey practices.

And we welcome you to share in our deep love and gratitude for shamanism, healing, nature and life.

If you would like to get in touch with Raffaele to ask any questions or if you would like to inquire about the healing sessions that he offers, please send an email to him at [email protected]

Thank you!

For details on our upcoming course, Your Spirit Allies, please click here.


Video Transcription:


Hello my name is Kimba, and I'm here meeting today with Raffaele. He is one of our teachers at Shaman College. And so I'm very fortunate to say that Raffaele is one of my...

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A Time For Inner Growth

Mar 30, 2020

This is a message and recording from our Shaman College, live Facebook broadcast.

A call out to allow these current times to be an opportunity for inner growth.

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Spirit Allies In Practice

Mar 23, 2020

It is such a gift, when we get the opportunity to hear from shamanic practitioners who can share their depth of life experience and fresh observations of this profound work that we are all called to. Shamanism moves through each one uniquely... so there are always gems when we get to spend time with each other.

In this video, we welcome you to an inspiring conversation between Barbara,  who is on our teaching staff at Shaman College and Evelyn, who is currently in the certified practitioner training.

In this heart-filled interview we are given multiple insights about shamanic practice, healing, spirit helpers, timing, and more as they discuss our 7-week course, Your Spirit Allies.

Please note that registration is open for our April 1, 2020 course.


Video Transcription:

Hello and welcome to our shaman college blog. My name is Kimba, and today I actually step aside as I am introducing you to a conversation, an exchange between two beautiful practitioners. We...

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Healing and Integration - Lavender Spirit

Mar 15, 2020

As well as learning, developing and divining, we need times when we are allowed to integrate the changes and growth that has occurred.  When we are changing patterns that have become imbedded in us- there often is a necessary period of soaking up the changes - neurologically, emotionally, chemically, physically, and spiritually.

This week we include a Healing Transmission- relaxation for you.

These healing transmissions are gifts from the spirits to assist us in those integration times.  When our 'seeking' minds can rest and our whole system can re-align.

This audio relaxation and guidance is one of the many meditations within our course, Your Spirit Allies which starts March 29, 2021.


NOTE ON OILS- this guidance comes directly from the essential oil and spirits of the Lavender plant, if you have the oil, you may enjoy working with it.  If not, the healing works without it as well!  You may enjoy gazing at the image of Lavender here to help you...

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Local Spirits

Mar 09, 2020

This week, we look at the importance of the 'direction' and orientation to the local spirits.  This is an aspect of orientation that can get overlooked in many people's practices.  However, when you begin to highlight these connections, you deepen the help and support for your healing sessions with yourself or with others. We offer guidance for how to include the local spirits in your shamanic rituals.


Video Transcription:

Hello and welcome to Shaman College podcast. My name is Kimba.

As I sit here, I am tuning in and welcoming the direction of the local spirits. And this is a direction that I want to discuss with you today and look at.  As I sit here, I'm in my treatment space and the local spirits are interwoven into this treatment space. So many healing sessions have been done here, and I know that the trees that overlook this space the plants, the fox paths, the underground stream, the birds that live in the hedges and trees, the...

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The Hollow Bone

Mar 03, 2020

In this video, Kimba welcomes you into an experience of the Hollow Bone. This is the state of being through which shamanic healing can occur. It is a place of both presence and emptiness. It is the fullest emptiness. To work within this state a shedding of persona and beliefs is required. This is a practice that seems to develop with time and yet, it is accessible to all at any moment


Video Transcript:

Hello, my name is Kimba and this is our Shaman college blog. Welcome. This week I would like to explore and share with you the hollow bone. This is the state of being that we enter into as we do shamanic healing work.

The hollow bone or I sometimes say the "hollow one".

Let's look at this together...what is there to look at? Well first of all, we don't become the "hollow" do we? The hollow, you can't see it. It is the space, the rich full space. But the bone, the bone is form. The bone is some thing that you can contact.

So the hollow bone becomes a metaphorical touchstone,...

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A Psychopomp Story

Feb 24, 2020

Psychopomp is an advanced healing art that many but not all shamans practice. Sometimes through the process of life, dying and death- an individual soul can remain in this Middle world, bound by confusion, loss, or desires to hold-on in some ways to this world. Practitioners work with their spirit guides to assist these souls to freedom.

We share this video with you, to demonstrate a real example of a Psycopomp session and to illustrate some of the aspects of this beautiful and very needed healing art.


Video Transcript:

Hello and welcome. In this video, I'm going to share with you a personal few sessions that I did having to do with psychopomp and it's personal because these were sessions for my grandmother.  I will explain to you the details, but I will show you how the ramifications and the implications reach out to a broader community.

Before we get into the details though, I want you to know that I'm coming from a place of deep honouring, gratitude and respect to...

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Senses, Subtle Senses, Your Super Powers

Feb 13, 2020

There can be a tendency among us humans, especially in today’s digital and technological world, to depend on our visual sense. Have you seen people sucked in to their screens? Maybe you have noticed your own tendencies? What is happening is that many people are basically ‘watching the show’ of life.

As sensitive beings, as people drawn to Earth-based spirituality, healing, and the shamanic views, we can work with our senses, subtle senses, and emotional senses in a way that taps us in to our super powers and allows us to both receive information and offer assistance out into our world.

In this video I share insights into some of our subtle senses, and encourage you to  ‘look’ within and become aware of your own tendencies. All of us are impacted by our inherited and environmental factors, which create certain filters on our various senses. However, these can be cleared and opened and assist in a deep healing. This can happen for you with a...

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Your Spirit Allies- Video Interview

Jan 22, 2020

In this video, Barbara Clark from Shaman College interviews Kimba Bridgeman about the creation, importance and power in our course, Your Spirit Allies.

In this 'behind the scenes' conversation, you are invited to the discussion and exploration of who these spirit allies are, how can they help us, why its important to be able to connect with them in this reality, and other insights about the process of group intention, healing and gathering.

We want to keep these interviews and videos coming for you! We know that it is our living practice and our heart's love for this Earth and all beings that we continue to support our community and the growth of shamanic healing world-wide.

Please note, we have a NEW START DATE for this course... March 1, 2020.

For all of the details about our upcoming course, Your Spirit Allies, please click here, 

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