In January, I sent out a blog and video, "Call to Psychopomps". And thankfully some of our advanced practitioners responded! We have a small but powerful group doing this work and adding to the collective of healing for Mother Earth and all life here.
I feel that some of you may like to receive updates about how these healing offerings are going. So I have recorded an update for you. I will continue to update you as we move forward into the Spring.
As well as sharing my latest experience, I encourage everyone to keep up their personal and regular practices of nourishing the light within.
This light and love within you is so powerful! And it flows out from you into your life and into the whole world.
One of the things I point out in this video... if you are finding yourself pulled into the emotions of fear or hate, please seek assistance from someone. There are many skilled and beautiful practitioners in this world that you can work with. These are...
Every week, I ask the Ancestors and Spirits, "What do you want us to know? To embody at this time? How can we be here in service to Mother Earth? What can we find out about our sacred vessel and it's capacities?"
These questions from the heart open the doorway to receiving a movement journey in the form of a shamanic yoga kriya. The collection of this work is called White Shell Yoga.
Last week, Butterfly came to share her wisdom.
Your form carries the creative energy of the Universe. It is unfolding for you and with you. You can have a dynamic relationship with this creative light. Your old moulds and prescribed ways may have to melt away. Yet, your body itself will allow you to express the light you are. There are colours here that you have always imagined.
She was especially assisting us in our unfolding of these wings. Butterfly understands 'form' in a very different way than we do for she has undergone metamorphosis.
In this week's blog video,...
This week's Earth Prayers meditation assists us in merging with the LOVE that we are.
In these guided meditations we work with the sacred anatomy of our bodies. These bodies are light... they are water, earth, and set in motion with the air we breathe.
The human body has become the foundational identity of people. When you think of someone, you picture their name and their form. This is the same for yourself - you picture your name and your form. Of course, we all intuitively know that we are much more than that!
However, even in this foundation identity... there is more than we have been taught. The more science discovers, the more they realise it is vastly incomplete.
What is the human body? What powers and potential does it have? Why have we been given this human form? Are we more 'super-human' than the textbooks and cultural norms have told us?
What would happen if you referenced yourself in a whole new way?
As we move forward into this year,...
With all of the changes and challenges that are surfacing globally, it is up to us to ground and align ourselves with our light and our presence on a daily basis. This is how we can be the ones in this world that we are here to be.
I recorded this meditation for a dear individual and I thought to share it out with you all... (we can all send our gratitude to him!)
More and more I see that the healing for one, is a healing for all of us.
This meditation only takes about 8 minutes, and it is really simple. You can do it everyday, on your own or with the recording.
When we reach in and see ourselves... we have to use our subtle sight. Our subtle sight allows us to see without seeing with our eyes. This asks us to access the feeling/sensing abilities that we have. You may imagine that with your eyes closed, you are looking inwards.
This is a human ability and comes quite naturally when nurtured.
Unfortunately, with the flat screen, blue light vision that we have...
You are the dreamers and creators of our world. You are here for a reason and it is likely far brighter and more brilliant than you know!
Join us for this week's Earth Prayers.
In this blog video, I am sharing pieces that have been coming through to me personally over this last year... my guides have been turning up the heat and the call is to be carried out to you.
The message is that psychopomps are needed right now.
I know that not all of us here are psychopomps. It is a specialty within shamanism and one that not all practitioners work with. As with many of the shamanic skills, one has to be in a way, drawn and invited to do this work.
Saying this, all of us can continue to turn up the light that we are on a regular basis. No light that you emit is too small! In other words, you are contributing to the energetics on this Earth and in this Universe.
Here are two other videos that we have released recently that speak to this light:
Earth Prayers - In Your Light Body
This is our latest live Earth Prayers from January 11th, 2021.
It has been an intensive time on this Earth. And we are committed to supporting everyone as much as we can.
In this guided meditation, we turn-up our frequencies of light, which is needed more than ever.
Enjoy, with blessings,
Length: 1 hour and 11 minutes
This is a lesson that covers 7 of the warm-up, preparatory movements that we most often do before a White Shell Yoga kriya. They are gentle and almost everyone will be able to do them.
Each movement here is specifically for opening the energetic channels in your body in preparation for healing work, blessings, journeys, and divinatory practices.
You may find this sequence helps you as a daily practice or as a preparation for your spiritual work.
In White Shell Yoga, each kriya is movement journey with a unique energetic signature that we can receive and access more readily after doing these preparations.
In this lesson I take my time as I lead you through the details of the exercises and I get a chance to really explain why we do these particular movements. In the White Shell Yoga classes, I do not have the time to go into this much detail so this is a great place to really fill-in the teachings that you receive in the yoga sessions.
In the...
Sending love and gratitude out to all of you.
Thank you for all that you do... even when it feels subtle or small. We all are here together, and we are all unique too. Unique voices and views, unique perspectives and medicine. We are all needed here.
This is an audio healing that has come from the Palo Santo tree, it is called, I'll Take You to the Light. It is a recording for relaxation and healing.
I know many of you work with this sacred smoke. I also work with the essential oil - I like the one from Floracopeia in the USA. With this recording, I breathed and let the oil guide me into the messages.
If you have either the wood for smoke or the oil... I recommend that you use it along with this audio. If you do not own it, the healing will still be transmitted to you.
This type of work with the plants, resins, oils and smoke first began during the creation of our 7 -week course, Your Spirit Allies. They came in and wove into the course as further support for when we open more and more to the allies all around us. I am looking at offering this course again for the New Year. I think we can all use this more than ever... to really know the support of the spirit allies in our extra-ordinary...
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