Earth Prayers - This One is For You

earth prayers Aug 04, 2020

Every week for over a year, I have led a new Earth Prayers meditation and shared it live through FaceBook, YouTube and lately through our Podcast channel.

These have been beautiful to offer.  However, sometimes, I wonder... 'oh should I go live today?'  or ' is this really received and needed?!'  But nonetheless, I show up... and offer these out to anyone who is there to join and receive.

This has been an amazing process of dedication and offering.  I never know exactly what is going to come out... but spirit always moves through and guides us.  Any doubt is relieved and the heart is expanded with you.

I am deeply grateful to all of you who have joined in at anytime in these meditations and blessings.  Thank you so very much.

At this point, I am moving the regular Earth Prayers over to Zoom on our new membership site.  This way, we can also see each other and share and experience community even more.  The membership also includes weekly White Shell Yoga sessions and Living Crystal sessions. The recordings of every session will be there for you in the archives.

For all the details on our new membership, please click here.

I will continue to offer Earth Prayers Live... for free once a month now, through the social media channels and our podcast.

Again, thank you...




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