New Moon Update - Psychopomp and Soul Retrieval

psychopomp update May 18, 2021

This video is a review of the latest New Moon Psychopomp session on May 11, 2021 which also required Soul Retrievals for the planet and humanity.

I have been doing these specific healing sessions for the Earth and the souls in need at this time through the portals of the new and the full moon phases.

Each and every time I do a shamanic healing session, I am taught new information and skills but I am also pushed… this work pushes us.  This is why we always move with permissions, with intention, protection and a clarity in our heart.  These advanced practices especially require experience and training - they are truly working with the dark and the light.

I share these healings with you, hoping that the information will inspire you and also perhaps give you pieces that will assist you in this life, and with your interactions with others.

As always, I call on other psychopomps to also work through these times.  We have a group at Shaman College and a place through our Mighty Networks where you can share and ask for assistance.

I also welcome everyone to work through these new and full moon phases as a focusing time to send your love, light and blessings to the Earth and all benevolent beings.  This gathering of our prayers amplifies the energy fields.

With gratitude and love.



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