Videos and Audios

Lightbody Activation Series Episode 4 - Grounding

Apr 19, 2021

We receive a high number of requests and comments about grounding.  People feeling ungrounded or wanting assistance in 'how to ground'.

This opens an inquiry and inner looking.  What does it mean to be grounded?  To feel grounded?  And are you ready to open to the power of the Earth (and your body... the ground)?

At the same time, we hear form people that are wanting to fly!  To go into the mystical, the mystery, the stars and not be here in this form.  I hear people describing that they are not human... that they do not identify with this form.

All of these expressions and more... point to the greater question that we are looking at through this series, "What is it to really be a human?".  Human is light and form, stars and Earth.

In this episode, I explore with you, the sense of grounding and the portal that it offers us.  The ground of our being opens to the infinity of our being... they are not separate!

One of the lessons from the yogic...

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Episode 3: What is it to BE human?

Apr 05, 2021

In shamanism we are often merging with spirits, with nature and learning from them.  We are recovering aspects of our potential and powers through work with animal, plant, tree and teacher spirits.

However... what about the human?  What is it like to be a human?  What powers and potentials are here? Have you ever met a realised human?

This episode of Lightbody Activation and Your Super Nature is a guided inquiry and exploration into our primary identity.

May it be a place that you can leap from, and fly with the freedom of your light.

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Episode 2: Resonance and Living Water

Mar 31, 2021

In this 2nd episode of Light Body Activation and Your Super Nature, we look at our power of resonance.  This is one of our sensitivities that has been buried by our culture and upbringing, but it is something you will know deep in your bones.

We also look at water... this living water that our physical bodies are made of.

In this series, we are shifting how we come to know ourselves.  We are reclaiming so much of our human identity that has been buried through time.

For more information on structured water and the 4th phase of water, please visit

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