Graduate Interviews: Movement as Medicine

gradutate interviews May 02, 2019

Graduate Interviews: Movement as Medicine

In our Graduate Interview Series, we get to hear and be inspired by the beautiful and gifted shamanic practitioners that are in our Shaman College community.  Shamanism comes through each one uniquely and there is so much to learn and to be uplifted by, when we open up to this beautiful healing and wisdom coming through.

In this interview, Kimba meets with Jake Stainback who is a professional artist and dancer as well as a shamanic practitioner.  They get into discussions about movement as healing, movement in shamanism, how spirit moves us, the importance of bodily awareness and your 'feeling' senses, as well as perspectives on performance and shamanic healing in community.

If you are interested in getting in touch with Jake,  he invites to contact him through email at [email protected].


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